Monday, October 3

Jack Egizi_key

I chose this photo because for my project one of my words was "key". Since this was one of my words I kept it original by just taking a photo of my keys. The reason I like this photo is because although original, the keys are very detailed and you can see the shapes, shadows, and dirt in the keys. If I could change anything it would be the glare coming from the top right corner. This photo was taken without flash, and i used my phone instead of my camera.


Trevor H. said...

Yeah I like how the background of the table fits with the color of the front key, but I not very sure if you took this in focus. All though you did use a phone's camera...

Isabella said...

This is a really nice picture. Its good that you didn't show any other objects because it probably would take the focus away from the keys. You probably should have moved the keys more to the left so the light reflecting off the table wouldn't be as bright. Overall, I really like the two browns.