Sunday, October 2


I picked this picture as one of my six terms which was "push", and it is a toy I have from when I was younger. I really like this picture because of how bold all of the colors are. I also like the angle, it makes the picture look less boring. Since part of the toy is cut out, the toy looks a lot bigger than it really is. You can also see the detail in each button which is cool. This was taken without flash.


Jules said...

The colors of this picture are great and the focus is too! I would have moved the other object on the floor to draw more attention to the main toy but still great picture!

Trisha Butay said...

The angle for this photo is really nice, it draws the attention to the buttons. I would have moved the light source a little so the other button's words can be seen as well as it is on the "play" button. Other than that I am a fan of the different colors in this picture.

Tianli Wang said...

I really like the color of this photo, and the focus is clear. I think this picture will be better if you change the light a little bit, so people can see the word on the left button.