Sunday, October 2


This picture of a pigeon is from my 6 photo assignment titled Random Thing. This picture was taken on my back deck using only natural light. I liked how the colors of the bird blended in with the natural colors of the wood deck. I also liked the shadow the bird cast from the angle I took the picture. It was also interesting how the subject was perfectly in focus, while the background of the grass was completely out of focus. I was surprised that the pigeon did not fly away from the distance I took the picture.


james mcgarry said...

I like how you managed to get the bird almost center, yet slightly to the upper left. it makes the bird stand out evn though it blends in somewhat with the background. i'm less of a fan of the little distractions on the lelthand corner, though, as they don't add anything to the scene and distract from the main focus.

Jimin Chun said...

I like this picture about detail. when I zoom-in I can see the detail of pigeon. Also the shadow and everything is slightly smooth.