Saturday, November 22

Fly Away

I chose this picture because I love how delicate it looks having the butterfly perched on my finger. This was taken at the Monarch Place in Southdeerfield. I think the ISO setting was 800 and i'm not sure about the rest.

Precious Gift

I chose this picture because I really like the lighting. I feel the sparkles in the ball makes it even more alluring. This picture was taken at 11pm in the Shaw's parking lot. The light is coming from the street lights and the shadows are from the rain pouring down on the car we were in. I don't remember the exact settings, I was just goofing around with the camera.

Friday, November 21

The face of the hill

I was trying to take pictures of the top of a train that we have in my backyard, and in order to do that i had to climb on top of this hill to get it. After i got a few shots of the train, I semi-fell off of the hill of mulch i was standing on, and then decided to take pictures of my footprints. Since it ended up looking a little like a face, i decided to post it, thinking it was more interesting than a train. My camera was on the landscape setting without a flash, but I'm not sure of the ISO. The sky was just turning cloudy and it was around 2:00 in the afternoon.


This a a close up of the flame in our pellet stove. There was no flash used. I like it because the fire is all going up to the left and the angle in interesting.


I took this when I was at my friends house. It was in her room. It was taken around 2pm. It was the only light on in the room, and the shades were closed. I like how it is focused on one bead, and the rest are blured in the backround. I there was no falsh
I took this picture on my film camera also. It was taken at a freight yard. i liked the way the graffiti looked.
I took this picture on my mamiya/sekor film camera. It was a cloudy, rainy day, and i set my asa to 400, when my film speed was at 200- so it's saturated.

Wednesday, November 19

eerie sunset

I like this picture because of the silhouette of the trees and how they appear to be touching the sky. I did not use flash but i think that the overexposed look makes it more interesting. This was taken from Bowditch field lookin across union ave at around 4:15 PM. The sun could be mistakened for the moon if the sky was darker. If I knew how to minimze the amount of light that hit the camera so that it would not be overexposed, it would have been less harsh.
white balance auto

Tuesday, November 18

Stars & Moons

I took this picture in a shop during late afternoon on a rainy day. It was taken on automatic settings with the flash on. I like the angle it was taken from and how it bleeds out of the picture and the shadows that are cast off from it onto the ceiling.


This photo was taken at a protest in downtown Portsmouth during early afternoon. It was raining and very cloudy out. Vibration reduction was used for this picture. I can't remember whether or not I used the flash or what the camera settings were.

big church

This picture was taken inside of a church in Canada. There was very low light in the church and it was a gloomy day outside. There was no flash used and the shutter speed was at 1/30 to capture the darkness of the church and to prevent some graininess.


I think this picture is kind of interesting. It was of little miniature statues of mary in a gift shop. I like the way the mary on the left is tipped over. It was taken indoors using super macro at a shutter speed of 1/30.