Monday, January 2

chen_ miscellaneous

I took this picture on the empire state building when i was in New York City. the color looks very beautiful. the info: NIKON D90 [10-20 mm F4-5.6] F8.0 13s ISO200

Austin_still life

This is a picture that I took a while ago for the recycle project. The main focus point in the image is the smiley face rock. I like how it looks like it is in a neglected place with the twig coming over it, but you can still see the rock clearly. Taken outdoors, natural light.

Austin_still life

This is a photo I took of City Hall in Marlborough. The sun was starting to go down. I like how the building looks like a silhouette against the sky but you can still see some of the details. I also like how the sky goes from darker and more blue at the top of the image then lighter and more washed out at the bottom of the picture. - taken outdoors, natural light.

Sunday, January 1


I took this picture of my brother doing push-ups. I'm not sure what else to say, really. This was taken with no zoom or flash, but with tons of residual light. seriously, like 6 different lights.


I took this photo at a light display this weekend. I cropped out half of the photo because there was a bright light to the left. I like how the photo shows movement and flow through the people walking below. I set the shutter speed to 3" and used no flash.


This photo was taken on Christmas Eve at a family friends house. I chose to put this photo in black and white because I was not pleased with the lighting. It was really orange looking. I like the set up of the picture and I like that the focus is on my dad and the others add to the flow. I would change this picture if I could but there was no way to change the lighting in the room.

Reitter_ Event

This is a photo I took from a holiday party last week. This is Jim Lonborg, a former Red Sox player, was the guest speaker. I like how the Red Sox ball is facing directly towards the camera.

Reitter_Still Life

This is a photo I took on Christmas Eve. The deer was was running around my yard for a few minutes strait. I finally got a picture of him when he stopped. This was taken close to sunset so the color is not that great.