Saturday, January 12


I took this picture in my room during Christmas vacation. I was babysitting a 6 year old girl who takes ballet classes. She let me take a few pictures of her, I also used the available light that came from the window. I like this picture because you can see the dress she is wearing and the polka dot socks. I also like the way her feet look they seem to be in good formation, I originality took this picture in black and white.

Tuesday, January 8

this is a pic of sam and mimi.  it was taken inside, its cropped and desiderated, when editing I forgot to save the original so I don't have it. 

Monday, January 7

New York_Cha

This is the picture I took when I went to New York City during Christmas vacation. I took this picture at night. The reason why I love to take picture at night are first, the light in the darkness makes the picture in more romantic mood, and second, if I take picture at night, unnecessary objects are covered naturally by darkness. This is the picture of "Madame Tussaud's." I like the picture beside way too much exposures at the each lighting objects in the picture.

Sunday, January 6

Dilbarian_ icy leaves

i like this picture because of the colors and the depth of field.  i love how the focus travels back through the photo.  i also like this picture because of the why the ice shines. i took this picture around mid day in direct sunlight.

Dilbarian_ tree

i love this picture because of the angle and the depth of field.  i took this picture around christmas time and i love how clear the detail of the tree is around the center of the picture.  i took it around mid day with only sunlight.


I took this picture with the Macro setting on a Nikon D3200. I like this picture because of the vibrancy in the lights, and the contrast against the trees dark green color. I wish there were a different background though, the curtain is distracting. 


I took this picture the day after the snowstorm at my neighbor's house. I went there to go sledding and to take do some portraits. I saw the icicles and got up close to get the details of them. I think this picture is very interesting because each icicle is a different shape and has it's own details.


I took this photo today of a radio in our living room. This is a photo I am using for the 2-4 "Styles" project because I am doing Black & White Photography. I really like how focused this photo is because you can see the details in the center dial, and how it fades out on the left and right sides where the wood is. I also think that the reflections in the radio look very interesting because of how distorted they are in the metal. If I could change something about this photo, it would be to focus more on all three dials because the one on the left is pretty blurry. But overall, I really like this picture, especially the one in black and white.


I took these photos in my living room, before my mom put awy our decorations. There was dim lighting but they came out pretty clear for an inside photo. i like the crisp focus of the light bulb, and there are crisp parts of the second house but the light inside creates a soft glow.


I took a photo of my bracelet. I really like how I took the photo because of how detailed the bracelet is in the photo. I used super macrophotography and the light from my lamp. The background of the bracelet is a white piece of paper. I also like the shadows the bracelet makes.


I took this photograph this morning, outside of my house.  I took it with my new camera (Nikon L810) I really like  the fine detail and the crisp focus. If you look very closely you can see the small grains of ice.

Namubiru_Juicy Couture

I took this photograph of the Juicy Couture logo on a studded heart attached to one of their bags. Personally, I like diamonds and Juicy Couture, and i also like the narrow depth of field. The words "Juicy Couture" pop out boldly against the goldish background surrounded by diamonds. I also like the blurred out background, and it's design.

Reichart_candy cane kisses

This picture was taken with no flash but with overhead lights.  My camera was on the close-up setting which is why the pieces of candy closer are more in focus the the ones more towards the back. I like how in the background there is some silver and red accents that match the candy wrappers.


this is a picture of a statue of santa dressed as a chef that my mom had. I took it with no flash and just used the available light coming in through the windows and from the lamp in the background.

Duchaney_Christmas Tree Burn

I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS at my cousin's boyscout troop's Christmas tree burn. I like the silhouette of the bare branches and how the trees fade into the flames from the bottom of the photograph up. I also like how the photo is divided in half between the trees and the flames. I find the darker patch of branches on the far right of the photo a little distracting.


I took this picture last Wednesday when we were given free time to shoot for various projects during class. I took this picture of bricks below the window outside of Mr. Conaty's room. I liked it because I thought the light coming through the window made the photo look much more interesting. Originally I tried to take the photo with my camera zoomed in on the crack, this made it look a little blurry. So I just took my camera as close as I could to the crack. I used no flash.


I took this photo on Sunday morning on my way home from Vermont.  The sky was very cloudy, but some blue was still showing through, which gave the picture some color.  The rest of the photo is dark and looks gloomy because of the lack of light and all he trees look very dark.  I like how the snow really stands out against the rest of the dark picture and actually lights it up a little.  The shaddows off the sky can be seen reflected in the water which is what I also like.  I took this photo with no flash and natural light. 


I took this photo in my backyard without flash. I really liked this photograph because my dog was looking directly at the camera. I also liked how you can see his tail in motion. I cropped this photo because I really wanted the dog to be in the center of the photo.