Sunday, January 6

Dilbarian_ icy leaves

i like this picture because of the colors and the depth of field.  i love how the focus travels back through the photo.  i also like this picture because of the why the ice shines. i took this picture around mid day in direct sunlight.


Unknown said...

I really like this photograph because of how cool the frozen ice looks around the plant. The round shape of the ice is interesting to look at, I like how the picture is blurry in the front but then it is in really good focus. The lighting is also very good.

Unknown said...

This picture is very unique for two things; 1. the way you took this picture, 2. the object you took. 1. I like the way you took this picture; photographers usually take pictures with focusing on the most front object; however, you took this picture with focusing on the object behind the middle point. 2. the object, the frozen ice surrounding the plant, is a sheer mystery because the round-shaped ice on the plants seem it should be bottom of the plants.