Sunday, January 6

Dilbarian_ tree

i love this picture because of the angle and the depth of field.  i took this picture around christmas time and i love how clear the detail of the tree is around the center of the picture.  i took it around mid day with only sunlight.


Millie Bache said...

I like this photo, it is very appealing because of its unique angle. The positioning of the camera is very aesthetically pleasing. I like that you included the branches of the tree hovering over in the distance, it creates a great background.

Megan Bubello said...

I really like this photograph! I really like the depth of field in this photo and the clarity of the tree trunk. You can clearly see the details of the bark. There also is nothing really distracting in this photo. The sky adds a lot of color to the photo. Overall I really liked your photograph a lot!

Unknown said...

I really like this photo and I think it is interesting because of how clear it is and becasue of the upwards angle.