Saturday, November 1


This picture is of the underglow my friend put on his golf cart. It was taken at 11 at night. It was on automatic with the flash turned off, so it is not in focus. I like the colors that the lights cast on the ground, though.

moon reflection

This picture was taken at about 11:30 at night. It was taken on the automatic settings without a flash. I don't really like how it isn't in focus because the flash wasn't on, but I like how the moon was reflected in the lake.

Friday, October 31

On The Tracks

This picture was taken around 2:30 in the afternoon. I unfortunately do not remember what the settings were. My camera was on the "P" setting. I love how the rail leads right to the subject and how the bridge looks like it's falling.<3

Thursday, October 30

smiley face!

I decided to post this picture to the blog becasue it is different than anything I have ever tried. It was taken at about 8 o clock at night (pitch black outside) and I turned off all the lights in my house. I put my camera on a 15 second exposure and shined a flashlight to get the camera to capture its light. I moved the flashlight around in a circle, turned it off, did the eyes, and so forth. Although you can still see some other details, I think its a pretty cool start to learning about long exposures and night photography. =)

Monday, October 27


This picture was taken at my friend's house up at Lake Winnipesaukee, NH. I took it during late afternoon with no flash. I really like the color of the leaves on the tree and how it goes with the red in my friend's shirt.

Sunday, October 26


I really like this picture because my reflection came out crisp and clear. It almost looks like a panoramic shot because my reflection is transparent and you can see the trees and house through it. I also like how the reflection of the clouds in the sky is on the bottom.
1/800 F.35
exposure: 0.0
ISO 80 


I think that this is one of the better portraits I took for the assignment. I like how all the features of her face are visible yet somewhat hidden by the glare. I do not find the lit bacground as distracting because there are other detailed things in this picture that draw the viewers focus away from it such as the hair on her arms, the highlights in her eyes, skin and lipgloss.
 1/160 F 3.7
exposure: 0.0
ISO 80


Yesterday I went to Noanet. It is a small mountain. On the top., there is just one tree. It is little strange so I took the photo. The sun is right side but yesterday was cloudy. I took no flash. I think sky is beautiful. I like the color.