Saturday, March 7

between the trees

1/13 f3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200
This was taken indoors at night so the shadows from the objects and trees were cast by the lights in the mall. I love how dramatic the lighting is and how the colors in the picture go well together. I also like the view from which I took it

Wednesday, March 4

baby raccoon!

I took this picture in Florida when I was on a nature walk. My mom and I heard rustling in the trees and we looked in and there was a family of three raccoons walking in a line. They came through and opening in the trees and I snapped this shot. I was really really close to the raccoon (kindof scary) and I took this at 1/80 shutter speed, 200 ISO, and f 3.5.

Monday, March 2


These pictures were taken at Melbourne Beach in Florida just before the sun was setting. I really like the way the sun hits her hair in the first image. It was taken with a nikon d60.

Snowy Lake

I Love the rays given off by the sun in this photo and the way the colors reflect off the snow. I'm not sure if I like the sign in the picture. On one hand it gives the picture a nice depth of field, yet the snow does that too. comments? Settings: Shutter 1/1600, F20, ISO 1600, WB shade.

Back Again

These two pictures were also taken at Umass Lowel. I had taken some really cool sunset pictures there before and I wanted to go back and try again. I love how the sky looks in the top picture and the trees in the bottom. Let me know what you think. Settings: ISO 1600, WB Shade. Top= 1/1000 F16. Bottom= 1/500 F20.

Smile People!

This is a picture of some friends of mine at Umass Lowel. I love the earthy colors they have on and the fact that I actually got both of them to smile. The settings were: Shutter 1/125, F5.6, White balance- shade and ISO was 1600.

Sunday, March 1

the invisible meeting

I really liked the dark setting and the lighting was different. I like the highlights in the table, chairs and the floor. 
1/30 F3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 100

Holliston Restaurant

I took in Holliston Restaurant. It's look like a countryside restaurant. I like the angle. I don't like tthe man in edge.

flowers and sailboat

I took this picture in Florida. It is a canal and their flowers stuck out way over the canal. I took it at f 4.0 and 1/160 shutter speed and 80 ISO at about 3:00. The contrast of the whites and the pinks was what made me want to take this picture. :)