Saturday, September 29

Fair_Bright Street Sign

This was one photo I used for the color assignment. I took this photo in downtown Natick.  This street sign caught my attention because of its bright neon color. This was taken in the late afternoon on a sunny day. I took it with a Polaroid Digital Camera (i737) on the portrait setting. I cropped this photo a bit because I thought the buildings in the backround were not needed. I took this photo last week but all of my photos say 2007 in the corner, I have to figure out how to change that.

Dilbarian_ road

         I really like this picture because you can really tell the texture of the road and the brightness of the lines.  I also like the street signs in the backround.  I took this picture on a street in the shade using only sunlight.  if I were to retake this picture, I would move farther back on the street so I could get more of the depth into the backround.   

Duchaney_Color: Skin and Nails

This is one of the photos I took for the Color project. I played with the idea that the title could represent both the different skin tones and the bright rainbow colors of their nails. In order from darkest to lightest skin tones, my models were Anna Odogwu, Suzie Coldwell, Lila Reichart, Clara Barbieri, Jenny Lee, and Tina Russell. I took this in the Biology lab at Marian using the available light coming in from the windows. I forget whether or not the lights were on in the room. When I first took this, it was actually one of my least favorite photos because their arms weren't completely over the white background and I thought it would be difficult to crop out the distracting floor, foot, skirt, and shoulder in the background. But once the distractions were gone, I loved the movement in how their hands as a whole curved. Their hands get closer to one another the closer they get to the top of the photo, and the light gets brighter as their skin also happens to get lighter.

Friday, September 28

Garner_Lazy Dragon

I took this picture last weekend when I was working on the color project. I saw this little guy land on my mom's lilac bush and had to capture it. I used my Cannon Rebel with a long lens set on close up. It was an over cast day with natural light. If the picture is blown up the details on the dragonfly's face is able to be seen clearly. It is detailed. I was glad I was able to capture this. 

Wednesday, September 26

Rebecca Lanefski

I took this picture in callahan state park in framingham. I threw a stone and caught the ripple effect. Natural light

Sunday, September 23

my practice picture

I really like this photo because it is focused on the ring and it shows all of the details.  i also like how it fades out into the backround.  it took this picture in my driveway with no flash, only sunlight. 

McGrath Pennies

I took this picture after the penny jar in my house spilled. One thing that bothers me about the picture is the lighting in the top right corner is much brighter then anywhere else in picture. If I were to take it again I would adjust the light.


I like this picture because of the angle I took it at. It makes the bottom look really wide, while the top looks much skinnier and far away.


I took this picture with no flash in my backyard. I like how it is a simple photograph of some acorns and a leaf, and it represents the beginning of fall.



This is a picture that I took in my backyard. It is a picture of a sunflower on a tree. The background is unfocused, while the flower is in focus. I think that gives it a cool effect. Overall, I think this picture is really pretty.


This is a picture of a flower from a plant on my kitchen window. I like the sunlight that shines through and makes shadows and the purple stripes that contrast with the green of the leaves. I took it with natural sunlight from the window.

Duchaney_Color Containers

Red buttons, orange sprinkles, yellow paper and ribbon, green glass and plastic beads, blue glass orbs and sea glass, water with purple food coloring. Natural light.

Lydia Fair Practice Photo

 This photo was taken in Pelham NH. I used an Iphone camera and natural sunlight.

Practice Post of Kitten

This is my kitten in which I took a picture of him with no flash but with the natural sunlight coming out of a window in my living room. In this picture, I like how the shadows and the light combine to make a nice outline of the kitten. I also like how it is very detailed with the tiny threads of fur and whiskers are sticking out from the kitten.
i took this outside with flash, i like how the sun shins on it and how it fades but i wish it was more focused in the front.


I took this in the late afternoon in my dining room with the overhead lights on. One thing I wish I could change would be to eliminate the shadow on the bottem half of the photo. I never noticed it was there when I looked at the imge on the camera.