Sunday, September 23

Practice Post of Kitten

This is my kitten in which I took a picture of him with no flash but with the natural sunlight coming out of a window in my living room. In this picture, I like how the shadows and the light combine to make a nice outline of the kitten. I also like how it is very detailed with the tiny threads of fur and whiskers are sticking out from the kitten.


Unknown said...

I like this picture because of how the whiskers look in the available light. Also, how the sunlight makes the ears look light pink. Something I would change is possibly having the cat outside so the cat would stand out more than just having it in a shadow. This picture grabbed my attention because he cat looks like its posing for the picture.

alisonkcondon said...

I like this picture alot because the lighting and the shadow makes the cat really stand out. And the cat is really cute!

Unknown said...

i like how the cats eyes are distinct from the rest of the photo