Sunday, September 23


I like this picture because of the angle I took it at. It makes the bottom look really wide, while the top looks much skinnier and far away.


Amanda Garner said...

I like the way the guitar is angled. It draws your eye in, then up to the top. It has one small section at the bottom that reflected the light that was being cast on it. It added a sort of aged-look to it at first glance. At the top of the guitar where the strings meet, through the opening the light it shinning through creating an unusual shadow.

Unknown said...

I like how this photo is very clean looking. Most every outline of every shape is a distince line. The plain, light backdrop of the walls also give it a clean look. The entire picture pretty much consists of three colors: the dark brown and the lighter brown of the guitar plus th white of the walls. But the more dramatic angle and curves of the guitar make the picture more interesting than the colors alone. It's dramatic but simple at the same time.