Saturday, September 29

Dilbarian_ road

         I really like this picture because you can really tell the texture of the road and the brightness of the lines.  I also like the street signs in the backround.  I took this picture on a street in the shade using only sunlight.  if I were to retake this picture, I would move farther back on the street so I could get more of the depth into the backround.   

1 comment:

Millie Bache said...

I like this photo it is very eye catching. I like how it's taken at a unique angle, not many people would think to take a photo at ground level, it adds a different perspective to the perception of the photo. I think the shadow in the road is a bit distracting because your eye is drawn to the bright parts of the image. Maybe if cropped that half out or take it in a part of the road that has no shadows at all. Good job though.