Thursday, March 13

sara_ ring

I took this photo over the past week while shooting for my favorite assignment.  I chose Tiffany's and i used my ring that i got a couple years ago.  I like this photo because of the lighting.  It was an overcast day and the lighting is natural.  I also like this for the contrast of colors between the silver ring and the tree branches.  Lastly, i wish i could change the background cause you can see the outline of the school.

Tuesday, March 11

Alex_ wild bush

This is my makeup post for the week of February 9th. I decided to choose this photo for my miscellaneous post because I think this was one out many really nice nature still life photo because it really has a great variety of different colors, lighting, and focus. I really like how the plant was the only thing in total focus and the other plants in the background are out of focus because it makes this photo look really interesting. I also like how the plant is surrounded in bright sunlight because it creates a really nice artistic effect to this photo. I think with the overexposed spots on this flower it makes the photo's color stand out better. I think the contrast to this photo between the darker green plants which are out of focus and the lighter green stems have an interesting composition to the viewer. I also like the  depth to this photo which makes this photo have a good range. I lastly like the macro effect to this photo because it makes the plant look much more interesting and artistic to look at. I took this photo outside without flash, using the macro setting, auto white balance setting, auto iso settings, natural lighting, auto focus, and using a soft snap focus setting on my camera. I wish some of the lower petals were in better focus because I think it would make this photo look brighter, and with better range.

Teddy_Aston Martin DB9

This is a makeup post for Sunday February 9th. I took this photo when I was in Florida during Christmas break. I took this photo in the parking garage at the club my grandparents live. I was about to head upstairs to go to the beach when I saw this awesome red Aston Martin DB9 in the garage and I had my camera in my coat pocket and was lucky enough to take a photo of it. When I'm there, I usually see a lot of interesting cars and this was one of the interesting cars that I saw during Christmas break. I took this photo the day after Christmas and I guess its a great red Christmas seasoned colored car. The only thing I wish I could have changed would have been to have the photo in more focus. I thought it was an interesting photo that I had taken when I was in Florida.

Monday, March 10


I took this picture a few weeks ago of my friend. The snow was starting to melt and we decided to go out and take some pictures because it was sunny. This picture caught my eyes while I was choosing which image to post because of the angle I took it. You can see the the path going on and on, but my friend is still in the middle of the photo. I also like how you can see her footsteps in the snow, it's a unique fact about the image. You can also see the reflection of the bare trees on the melted snow and the crooked fence makes the image look slightly urban.

Sunday, March 9


I took this photo yesterday afternoon. I really like this photo because of the background. The sunset glow was very pretty and there were some clouds so that we could see two colors in this photo. The red was good because it added color to this photo. I think I caught a good moment.


I took this picture back in september. I was at an apple picking farm and there were a couple of flowers and it was a sunny day. I like how the flower and the bees are in focus while everything else is blurred out. I also like the different shades of yellow in the fore-ground and the different shades of mostly green in the back-ground.


I took this picture with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked the different colors in this photo and the contrast between the dark and the bright reds.


    I took this photo near the school.I like the angle that i took this photo.It's not over expose, the sky is beautiful.And the color in the picture feel very comfortable.The flowers and the cloud just like an animal smell the flowers!


I took this picture of a piece of chocolate on my marble counter. I like this photo because of the texture. I also like the color contrast between the chocolate and the counter. If I could change one thing about this picture I would change the focus.


I took this photo of my dog a while ago.  I think this is a really interesting photo, I like the angle I took it at.  I like how my dogs eyes are closed I think it makes the photo a little more interesting.


I took this photo today when I went outside for a walk. I like it how the sunlight was reflecting on the snow making a crystal look to the snow. The sun was about an hour away from setting and the time I took it couldn't have been at a better time. I like all the details of the snow when I took this photo. I think this photo is very interesting.


I took this photo in my backyard. I really like the white line in the grass and the difference in leave sizes  throughout the photo. The first photo is the original photo and the second is the edited photo. I lowered the color in the second photo and brightened the middle leaves with bright spot. I really like how the second photo really stands out. 


      This is a photo I took while recovering from my injury. I really like this photo because it captures a moment in time between a coach and his player. The black background really draws your eye into the white jersey and focuses on the middle of the photo.


I originally took this photo for my editorial project.  I thought it was interesting how the trees were going vertically and the telephone lines split the picture horizontally.  I wish I could've gotten a better photo without the green tree to the left, but it was in the way.  I like the depth of the photo though and how it has a foreground, middle ground and background.  


I took this photo of a bowl of strawberries. I was fooling around with filters and contrast and I kind of liked the way this one made the strawberries more pink rather then red. It also has been faded a little bit. I like when some photos has kind of a older look to it.

Warr_St. Maarten

I took this picture from a cruise ship of some yachts in St. Maarten. I really like the color of the sky and water . I also really like the hills in the background. Finally, I like the way the huge clouds and white yachts stand out,

Sara_ mason jar

I took this photo in my kitchen without flash but natural light from a window and the lights in the kitchen.  i like this photo because of the highlights created on the glass jar.  and the angle.  I like how both sides of the jar and the written can be seen as well.  Lastly, i wish there was more highlights and interesting shadows on the jar


I took this picture a while ago on a snowy day in december. Its a picture of a hockey net in my yard. I really like this picture because of the colors and the contrast between the snow and the net. I like the way the snow fell on the dirty net and how you can see that it outlines the squares. I like the colors between the dirty net, the red pipe and the white of the snow. I also really like the angle that i took it at. I like it because you can see everything, unlike if you took it from the front. 

Alex_ Old barn at dusk

I decided to choose this photo for my post this week because I thought this was one of my favorite dusk photos I've taken. I like the effect of the orange clouds over the old barn, because it makes this photo look interesting to observe. I really like the darkness to the old barn because it makes the barn have a silhouette effect to this photo. I also like the small variety of blues, orange, yellow-orange, black, and reds to this photo. I also like the split clouds effect to this photo because it makes this photo have a really nice artistic effect to this photo. I wish the tree to the left of this photo was a bit more in focus because it makes the photo look slightly distracting. I took this photo without the flash, with low light exposure, auto white balance, macro, auto focus adjustments, auto iso settings, and soft snap focus. This photo was taken around 5:45 on November 2nd 2013.