Tuesday, March 11

Teddy_Aston Martin DB9

This is a makeup post for Sunday February 9th. I took this photo when I was in Florida during Christmas break. I took this photo in the parking garage at the club my grandparents live. I was about to head upstairs to go to the beach when I saw this awesome red Aston Martin DB9 in the garage and I had my camera in my coat pocket and was lucky enough to take a photo of it. When I'm there, I usually see a lot of interesting cars and this was one of the interesting cars that I saw during Christmas break. I took this photo the day after Christmas and I guess its a great red Christmas seasoned colored car. The only thing I wish I could have changed would have been to have the photo in more focus. I thought it was an interesting photo that I had taken when I was in Florida.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! I think this photo is a good photo. I also like the fancy car, and as you said it was during the Christmas vacation so the red color really matched the color of Christmas. I think you caught a good photo of the car, but the background was a little bit messy.