Sunday, March 9


I took this picture back in september. I was at an apple picking farm and there were a couple of flowers and it was a sunny day. I like how the flower and the bees are in focus while everything else is blurred out. I also like the different shades of yellow in the fore-ground and the different shades of mostly green in the back-ground.


Megan Bubello said...

I really love this picture! I love all the colors i this photo and how bright the flower is. I also really like the contrast between the flower and the background. This photo is also very crisp and clear. I overall really like this photo. Nice work!!!

Unknown said...

I like this picture. I like the way that you took this flower,bright colors and the bright flower.And between the flower and the background,the background is blurred.This is a beautiful photo.

junianny santos said...

I really like this picture because of how much the yellow flower stands out. It's very crisp and you can see all the details of the flower. I also really like how you got it from and angle that the sun is hitting directly on the flower which makes it look even better.