Sunday, March 9

Alex_ Old barn at dusk

I decided to choose this photo for my post this week because I thought this was one of my favorite dusk photos I've taken. I like the effect of the orange clouds over the old barn, because it makes this photo look interesting to observe. I really like the darkness to the old barn because it makes the barn have a silhouette effect to this photo. I also like the small variety of blues, orange, yellow-orange, black, and reds to this photo. I also like the split clouds effect to this photo because it makes this photo have a really nice artistic effect to this photo. I wish the tree to the left of this photo was a bit more in focus because it makes the photo look slightly distracting. I took this photo without the flash, with low light exposure, auto white balance, macro, auto focus adjustments, auto iso settings, and soft snap focus. This photo was taken around 5:45 on November 2nd 2013.

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