Saturday, March 6


This is a picture of some bubble wrap wrapped around a vase. I like how the blue of the vase comes through the bubble wrap. I took this in natural light on macro setting.

bubble wrap

I took this picture for the bubble wrap project.
I used flash and with it, the red from my shirt reflected onto the bubble wrap. I really like the affect this gave the picture. I did no editing except cropping.

Wednesday, March 3


I went out with Andrea to show her how to use her film camera, and I loved these two photos I took that day in particular. In natural light, on a sunny day.

Make Up post

I was fooling around with the focus, and I liked that there was a different focus for each of these photos. It makes them interesting together.

Monday, March 1

I took this picture on snowy day last week. I really like the background the dark green trees make against the snow. It was around mid day when this was shot.


this photo was taken at an angle to give it more depth and to include more candles. the only light is the light from the candles

Sunday, February 28


i took this photo with the intent of getting this effect. i did not edit this photo at all.


I took this picture of puddles that ran into a nearby river on one of the really rainy days. The picture was taken from the inside of a car, so it is not very well focused because it was shot at a distance and through a window, but I still liked the composition and colors.


While its not the best photo, I liked the contrast bewtween the white lampshade and the dark stand and backround on the left. The AC in the back is distracting, and I wish a little more of the lamp stand was in photo but then there would be more of the AC.


This is the keyboard on my macbook pro. I took it without light. I like how the keyboard reflects on the monitor.
This picture was taken on the floor of Marian by the stairs towards union avenue on the second floor. I liked the highlights on the ring and i like the contrast of such a classy possession on a dirty floor. 


This picture was just a random one that i liked because i think its at a cool angle. 


I took this photo in my room with light from a lightbulb. i manipulated it on picasa by filling the light adding shadows and deeping the color tempetuare. I likr the warm feel i get from it and also the way the beads stand out on the jean fabric


I like the highlights on the clock and the shadow, but i don't like the reflection of the light on the bottom of the clock because it takes away from the picture.


I took this picture on our "snow" day. I don't use the blinds in my room because I like how bright it is outside, so I took a picture. I like the way the top left corner creates a cross shape and is the brightest part of the picture and gives it a focal point, and from there the light fades. I wish I could get rid of the top of the window that is at the top of the picture, because it stops the light from fading like the rest of the photo.

Boat Show

They were having a Boat Show near my friend's house so we went and I took a ton of pictures. The flag wasn't originally the focal point of this picture, but it had the most color so I wanted to try and keep it, as opposed to making the whole thing black and white.
