Wednesday, February 11

full moon

The moon was so full the other night. I LOVED haven's picture previously and figured this full moon was a good opportunity to try and take picures, so thank you for the inspiration :). The second picture was taken at 1/400 shutter speed and zoomed in a ton, but focused on the branches. The first was taken at 1/200 of a second. The first is focused on the moon only and you can see craters.


I took this picture in Joey's backyard Friday around 4. It was taken at 200 ISO, 1/80 shutter speed, f 3.5. Its zoomed in but actually not that much, they weren't very afraid of me, and just stared at me.


Sunday, February 8

Light in your eyes

Not sue what time i took this. No flash. I like the way the sun hits the dogs face, and the way the light reflect in her eyes. In the backround, where the light hits the chair and my moms foot is a little distracting.
This picture was taken on a disposable camera a few weekends ago, or my friend Charlie. 
It had all automatic settings, and i used flash.
It's nothing technical, but i love the blue vignette and the foreground, mid ground and background.

2 worlds.2 perspectives

1/13 F3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200
This was taken around noon on a cloudy day. I like the reflections of the cup in the window and how it looks like its two pictures in one. I wish I had fixed the setting to a faster shutter speed so that the cars were not blurry.

Skyblue basketball

I walked around the downtown. I saw the basketball goal spot. The sky was really clear. I love the angle and the color. The tree makes interesting.