Monday, December 5

Yulu_ Boston

I took this photo in Boston for a few days ago. I really love this photo because the sun was so shining and the surrounding is really nice.


I took this picture two weeks ago when i was walking down through the Ashland by myself. i was useing a wide angle lens with a polarizer in front of it. the main color in this picture is blue, so makes it looks very peaceful. the only thing i do not like in this picture is the branches on the left. i tried to make it out of the picture but i can not find a better place to put my camera stand. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F8.0 1/80s ISO200 -0.7EV.


this is a photo I took while my family was setting up and decorating our Christmas tree. I put on the ornament before anything else had been set up. this was taken at midday indoors with no flash but plenty of light pointed at the figure.

Sunday, December 4


i really like the effect that all flowers are parked together, which fills this photo with the feeling of beauties.


I took this picture about a week ago in Framingham. I post this picture because I think the color of this picture is pretty good.


I took this photo at the river next to my house. I didnt use flash when i took it and i was trying to get a nice reflection of the trees on the water. I thought the angle i took it at was good. I thought it gave the photo good flow


I used this photo because I thought it was interesting that the houses' reflection was in the puddle across the street.


I took this picture by facing two mirrors towards each other. I like how the images reflect off of the mirrors creating a "never ending" effect. If i could change something, I would wipe the smudge off of the middle mirror. I would also move more to the left so that the space on the right is taken up by the mirror. This was taken at night without flash


This is a picture I took on the way to Canada. I was in the bus and took it from the window without flash. I really like how even though it is kind of dark outside due to the the clouds, the two signs in the middle are still very bright and clear. If I could retake this, I would move the camera up to avoid shooting the smaller, yellow sign.

Warzewska_ A Photo Within a Photo

I took this photo while my partners and I were working on our portrait project. Even though the hand in the middle is distracting, I like how it is in focus and draws attention to the camera. I also like how the reflection in the mirror is not in focus because it adds to the depth of field. If I could change something, I would change the angle of my camera to get less of the hand. I would also move the camera strap on the bottom right.

Flames_ Jules

I took this picture in a church in Canada. I like the flow of the picture of the candles. I like how the flames highlight each jar differently and I like how each jar has it own different shades of green. This was taken on macro setting no clash.