Sunday, December 4


This is a picture I took on the way to Canada. I was in the bus and took it from the window without flash. I really like how even though it is kind of dark outside due to the the clouds, the two signs in the middle are still very bright and clear. If I could retake this, I would move the camera up to avoid shooting the smaller, yellow sign.


Ricky Xiang said...
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Ricky Xiang said...

i really like this photo, because i think this photo can be explained as the different choice of lives; the two street signs with east and west stand for two opposite way of living i think, and the roads which perfectly fit those two signs to help explain the theme better. if there is a chance that you are able to retake this picture; it is better to avoid the yellow sign.

Yulu Liu said...

i really love this one because when i see the first time i feel very good. This one can show different ways of street. Like left and right.