Saturday, December 15


I took this photograph in my home without flash, using the macro setting. I really liked this photo because of the way the candle stands out. I also liked the reflection the light from the candle creates on the glass. I enjoyed the clearity of the wax and how the light bounces off of it also.

Lamp light _ Somto

I took this picture in my room. My reading lamp was bright so i took it in a dark place and it reflected a little bit in the picture which i kind of liked. And in the background you can see a little bit of my pens and book by the side.

Friday, December 14


I took this photograph a week ago at a wedding I was invited to. I thought this was very creative and I loved all the types of fruit used. The wedding was at night so the only light available was from the window. I used flash. I think this photograph would have also looked very cool if I had zoomed into more of the details of the carved watermelon.

Wednesday, December 12

Cha_Peabody Museum

This is the picture I took from Yale Peabody Museum. The reason I took this picture in Black and White was that I wanted to put an emphasize on the dinosaur in this picture. I wanted to make this picture bygone-age looking. Actually, my purpose of Black and White does not make sense because behind the dinosaur replica, there is a buildings. So there is a little contradiction on my purpose, but I think the contradiction itself tells the story of picture: "the building behind the replica is like a museum that exhibits about ancient creatures.

Monday, December 10


I took this during school on Thurday before Theater Production. The ISO speed was 3200. My camera was set on the vibrant color setting and the white balance was set on the fluorescent lighting setting. I think if I had changed the white balance it could have eliminated the washed out parts in the white chords. I will be aware of that in the future.


this is mimi from my cheer team.  it was taken in detroit,in the afternoon.  no flash.  itsslightly blured becaust i cept moveing.

Sunday, December 9

Condon_Pink Flower


I took a photo of my kitten, Tiger. I was really happy of the photo because of how still he was and how the photo did not come out blurry because of him moving. I thought that the computer screen in the corner was very distracting so I cropped it out. Something that I were to fix would be the white background. I wish the paper was not as wrinkled up.


I took these photos around 8:30 this morning in my driveway. I thought that the puddles from the rain looked really cool on the pavement. In the top photo, I like how the pavement surrounding the puddle is out of focus and how the reflection is very clear because I think it brings more attention to the puddle. What I would change about that photo is how it has a spot on the upper righthand corner that is very overexposed.
I like that the bottom photo is a longer, larger puddle. But I like the reflection in the top photo better because the reflection is more mirror-like and in the bottom photo, you can see the ground through the water because of the angle I took it at. There was a slight overcast this morning and I used the natural light setting on my camera.

Duchaney_Christmas Room

I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on indoor setting using only the available light from the lights in my family room and kitchen. I moved extra furniture and clutter out of the way to try to capture a Christmas scene in my house.The parts of the room farthest away from me closest to the tree are not in as good focus as I had hoped. The artificial lighting in my house is not very good, but I also didn't want too much light because I wanted the lights on the wreath and the tree to be emphasized. I like the warm colors of the room and the fact that I didn't have to edit the picture to achieve that effect. If I could retake this photo, I would have a fire in the fireplace to add both light and Christmas spirit. I would also try to remove aby cords from the photo.

Dilbarian_ mints

i took this picture in my room with the available light.  i like the way the light reflects off the wrapper and how the red stand out against the white background.  if i were to do it again, i would try the picture with more mints and maybe try to get it a little more clear.


I took this photo of a piece of trash someone left on a desk in Mr. Gilliagan's room. I used it for my my Marian by the letters project. I used natural light coming from the window to my left and no flash. I tried to use the macro setting on my camera at first, but some of the words came out very blurry. This photo was taken in the regular setting.


I took this photo at around dinner time on Sunday while my family was decorating the tree.  At first, when I took this picture, the lights from the tree were on and I used flash so the color didn't  come out the way I wanted it to.  I shut off the lights from the tree, but still used flash, which allowed me to capture the orderment in more focus, without the lights burring out the picutre.  I like how you can see the sparkles on the orderment and all the details on it.  The center of it is in focus and the branches act as arrows, centering the orderment in the picture.  


i took this photo in september. it was taken inside using available light. i liked how the front of the mug was in shadow


I took this picture of my friend and his little brother running around tossing the football. It was sunny out and there's a foggy glare from the sun rays.  I liked this side because if i went on the other side you wouldn't be able to see the shadows as well and the motion.  I also like how the sun light lets you see details in the grass.


i took this photo with no flash, only flourescent light. This is one of my Christmas ornaments. I really like the highlights and reflections.

Garner_Playing With Light

When I took this I was playing around with the iso setting. When I took this photograph the iso was set on 800. My camera was set on the program setting. It was taken on an overcast day. I used the water as a way for the light coming from the sparkler to bounce off and reflect in a different direction. My eye is drawn in to the center then drawn back out in the lower left corner. The one thing I would have changed is try to focus the center more. It seems over exposed.