Monday, December 10


this is mimi from my cheer team.  it was taken in detroit,in the afternoon.  no flash.  itsslightly blured becaust i cept moveing.


Unknown said...

I like this photo because the background came out very clear and in focus. The background is pretty and looks nice with the water and the blues, but doesn't distract from the picture. I think it's okay that her hair is somewhat blurry because it helps tell the story that it was probably windy that day. I like how she is wearing red in the picture because it makes her stand out against the blue water and background.

Unknown said...

I think this is a cool picture because you tell tell that there is motion and wind from her hair, and yet a lot of it is in focus. The colors go nicely together even the red against the blue water and blue/ grey sky. The only thing I dont like is the bright lit up monitor in the background. It's really distracting and stands out a lot.

Megan Bubello said...

I really like this photo because of the reflection of the buildings on the water. I also liked that you got the picture of her from the side. Her hair does cause the photo to be a little blurry, but overall I really enjoyed the photo.