Sunday, December 9

Garner_Playing With Light

When I took this I was playing around with the iso setting. When I took this photograph the iso was set on 800. My camera was set on the program setting. It was taken on an overcast day. I used the water as a way for the light coming from the sparkler to bounce off and reflect in a different direction. My eye is drawn in to the center then drawn back out in the lower left corner. The one thing I would have changed is try to focus the center more. It seems over exposed.  


Unknown said...

i think this is a really cool photo. i love how focused it is on the sparks and how the water reflects the light. i also like how it is blurry in the backround because of the short dept of feild.

Unknown said...

I love this photograph! I love the color and the way it stands out. It is a great idea for a photo. I think that the center is a little out of focus, but the reflection and focus otherwise is amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture because of the sparks...the picture focuses on the sparks but the background is a little bit out of place because the water doesn't look that clean.