Sunday, December 9


I took these photos around 8:30 this morning in my driveway. I thought that the puddles from the rain looked really cool on the pavement. In the top photo, I like how the pavement surrounding the puddle is out of focus and how the reflection is very clear because I think it brings more attention to the puddle. What I would change about that photo is how it has a spot on the upper righthand corner that is very overexposed.
I like that the bottom photo is a longer, larger puddle. But I like the reflection in the top photo better because the reflection is more mirror-like and in the bottom photo, you can see the ground through the water because of the angle I took it at. There was a slight overcast this morning and I used the natural light setting on my camera.


Millie Bache said...

These are both great photographs. I like how the snow, both in and out of the reflection are in focus. Because of the inability to decifer whether the snow is in the reflection or not, it causes the photo to be somewhat abstract. I think if you rotated the images so that the trees were right side up, it could make for a more enticing photo by causing the viewer to think beyond the instant perception of puddle.

Amanda Garner said...

I think this is a creative photography. The white specks on the black pavement make the reflection of the tree seem like it has a big on snow on it. I think both are great photos in their own ways. The top for its use of light to over exaggerate the reflection of the tree.