Sunday, December 9


I took a photo of my kitten, Tiger. I was really happy of the photo because of how still he was and how the photo did not come out blurry because of him moving. I thought that the computer screen in the corner was very distracting so I cropped it out. Something that I were to fix would be the white background. I wish the paper was not as wrinkled up.


Unknown said...

this is an awsome pic. your right to crop it out it was destracting. i think the wrinkalsin the paper actualy add to the paper

Unknown said...

I agree with your decision to crop out the computer screen. I also think I would have cropped off a little more empty space above his head. I wish we could see a little more of his eyes, because in the photo you can't see the pupils very well and they look completely one color. I think seeing the eyes better would be a strong focal point.