Saturday, October 3


My numbers/words were "six" and "few".
Since license plates usually have 6 numbers or letters, I took pictures of my mom's. I like the angle of this picture and the trees in the backround. I also like the reflection of the trees on the car. I could have made it a better picture by not getting the truck in the background. It was taken with no flash at about 5:00 pm.

Experimenting with the macro lens

Took this Wednesday evening...(it was cold!)
I borrowed my mom's Nikon D70 and the macro lens she has for it. This is a random daffodil that's in the middle of a bush that's otherwise pretty much dead, so I tried to get that in the background.
Kind of wishing right now that the flash shadow wasn't there, but that lens is really heavy, so without it everything would have been blurry.

Friday, October 2

A Sun-filled Cloudy Day

So this is a photoa I took outside the library today(Friday) of the cloudy sky. I like this one because it has the light from the sun towards the bottom, and the dark spread out around But also the dark isnt just there, its textured. I like how the clouds are all sort of pointing towards the sun, and swirling around it. I think I could have moved the sun a bit more up to the center, because it feels kind of out of place down at the bottom.

Thursday, October 1

Mirror Reflection

I took this photo Saturday morning around 7:00 am, when I woke up I saw a fog on top of the water of the pond, but by the time I got there it disappeared. No flash, standard settings and if you look close enough you can see a white duck, named Aflack.

Marian by the numbers

My dad has a wine seller and i took 8 bottles. I took my first shot from a dogs eye view and it looked not so good as it look from a bird's eye view.