Friday, January 16

Mountain road

This picture was taken on a mountain road coming home from sugarbush. It was taken around 3:45ish and at a speed of 1/250. I like the colors in it but I do wish that I had less sky in the picture.


I took this at a friends house, no flash. The reflected light and from the next room. The room I was in had no lights on. I like the focus in the middle of the pic and the blur in the top and bottom.

Snow Prints

I took this in late afternoon, with no flash. My dog was just walking around trying to figure out why she kept sinking into the snow, and she stopped and stayed like that for a while. I like the way she is posed and that you can see her prints in the snow. Sorry it’s horizontal, my computer will not let me change it, don’t know why.

Monday, January 12

I took this picture at a field by my house.
I took it in black and white, and added a layer on photoshop to enhance the old feel. 
does anyone in photo think it might be a good idea to try and get out work out there by asking local places if they would be interested in doing some kind of MHS  photo exhibit? I've seen that Framingham Public has done a lot of those with their photo classes, would anyone be interested ? Mr. Barry? We could possibly start at the Framingham Library down the street...?

Sunday, January 11

Mountain trees

I took this in NH. I took it through the window on the car. I like how the trees are in focus and the mountain in blured. It was taken with no flash, around 1 in the afternoon.

Rocky Flower

This was taken around noon in December. The shutter was on 200 and the white balance was on shade i believe. I like how the sun is peeking into the picture in the corner, highlighting Siobhan's feet and giving the rocks intense highlights/shadows. (love my fish eye lens!) XD

Picture of a Picture

This was taken indoors around 10pm with no flash. I can't remember the aperture settings but I believe the iso was 200 and the white balance was set to shade.


I took this picture out on a dock area by the ocean after it had been raining. I like the way that the light reflected onto the boards and bench because they were wet, but I think that the light itself is very distracting.

Glass ceiling at Copley plaza

Yeaterday I went to Copley plaza. The ceiling was very interesting. I like polygonal ceiling and color. I took this at nine o'clock, so the center of the ceiling was black but others were yellow.

santa was here

1/30 F 3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200 
I used flash in this picture because I did not like the dull yellow glow when I took it without flash. I like the composition and how some of the objects in the picture are cropped.