Friday, November 28


This is a picture of graffiti on a brick wall taken through a fence. It was a dark and cloudy day, so I used flash. I really like how the wall is in focus and the fence is not.

Tuesday, November 25


I had some fun editing this picture. I took this picture in an antique store. The lighting comes from the cabinet it was inside. I took the picture in sepia and made the picture look grainy to make it look old fashioned. =)

attempt to silhouette

I thought this was perfect lighting in order to get a silhouette since I had trouble taking silhouettes before. Although the whole bacground isnt fully lit to emphasize the outline, i still like how there is some detail in the silhouette. This picture was taken right before sunset around 4:15 PM
1/1600 F14
ISO 80 

Sunday, November 23

Solo Dart-man

I was accompanying  my sister to her band practice last week and i was there to take pictures. Her friend, Darter, had a few solos, and with my camera set on night vision, which has a slow shutter speed [i'm not sure of the exact iso, though] and i had my camera set to black and white. the flash was off and we were in a dimly lit area.


Last week, I went to the church. After the service, I went out. The sky was so dark. I think I took this picture at 5 o'clock.