Monday, December 19


This is a photo of my sister jumping in the air. I like the way the colors of her clothes contrast from the background. I also think that the focus is very sharp. This was taken outdoors with natural light on the "action" setting.

Sunday, December 18


This is a photo of action. I took this well I was at the Bruins game last Tuesday. I chose this photo because almost everything seems to be in focus and there is good light. I decided to use this photo rather than one of the player photos because they did not come out good.


This picture is of a belly dancer in action. I took this picture while she was spinning to try to capture the motion of the dancing. I chose this picture because I thought it was interesting, I just think the black thing in the corner is distracting. It was taken indoors with no flash.


This is a picture of a fake christmas tree that had LED lights at the tips of the pine needles. It had rainbow colors and it looked really cool when I took a photo on a slow shutter speed while moving the camera. This picture is taken with no flash and the lights turned off in the room.

Austin_still life

This is a picture of the same flower from a different angle that shows the surrounding flowers. The image still looks soft. The flower is less the center of focus.


i took this picture during the thanksgiving game. we lost at that game and the big guy on the side and the kid behind's face look like something happend in the game and Mr. Foscaldo looks sad and nervous. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm F4.5-F5.6] F5.3 1/1000s ISO 200

Austin_still life

This is a photo of a flower taken indoors without flash. I like the soft colors and the softness of the image as a whole.

Warzewska_still life

I took this photo before the sun rose on a windy day. I like how the moving clouds add flow to the photo, which was originally still. I think the trees in the back a little bit distracting though. The photo was taken at 1/30 shutter speed, natural lighting.


I chose this photo to be one of my action photos because the motion of the second hand was captured in the picture displaying the tick of the clock. I took this photo in Mr. Petersons' classroom. If I could change one thing it would be realigning my camera in a way that would make it so you couldn't see the reflection of the ceiling tiles in the clock.


I took this picture at the marian hockey game. Its not the sharpest picture but I like how the wall behind him and the glass kind of frame him. This was taken with out flash on the action setting.


I took this picture while my sister and I were wrapping Christmas presents. I hope you like it, because I accidentally deleted every other photo I've taken for the last four months while I was posting it! (don't worry, I have backups of all the projects.) This was taken with no flash or zoom, and with only one light source.


This is a photo of Adria squeezing a bottle with water inside of it. I think the picture has good flow and I like the contrasting colors of the brown towel and the blue bottle. It was really hard to get the bottle in focus while she was squeezing the bottle but I think this was one of the better ones. Taken with a Canon Rebel XS, natural light, no flash.


This is a photo I took on the long exposure setting on Adria's camera of my Christmas tree. I like how all the spirals are the same shape yet they are all different colors and sizes. The action part of this photo is that I had to "swirl" the camera while I took it to get the spirls. Taken on a Canon Rebal XS, exposure 1"6, F22


the color of this picture is great, the angle i took this picture is different than usual. it also has some motion in this picture, i really like it.


I took this photo at dinner. I though it would fit well for event because in the picture everyone is so busy and nobody is really focused on the camera. I didnt use flash i just used the lighting that was in the room