Saturday, October 17

favorite things

This picture represents friends, one of my ten favorite things. It was taken at school in the afternoon. I like the lighting in it, especially how the sun highlights their hair. Not to mention...they all look really pretty in it!

Friday, October 16


This picture was taken during the first week of school outside of the Boston aquarium. I really liked the contrast and colors of the picture.

Thursday, October 15


This is a picture of a really big arrangement of flowers. I saw it in a hotel in Chicago and thought it was very interesting. The ceiling was a mirror so it is reflecting the light onto the top.

Wednesday, October 14

My Favorite Things

This is Andrea, she was one of my favorite things. I liked this potrait especially because when I took it she had just stopped laughing, so the happiness captured was natural. I also like the hints of red in the leaves, And the way her hands are cut out, they kind of frame the picture.

Fav Things

Both of these pictures are from my 10 favorite things. for the first picture i put a ceramic bowl on a folding mirror so the outside ring would reflect. i held up a white poster board so there would be no ditractions in the mirror. the second picture is a ring sitting on the ring box. i really like how clear the ring is and how the backround is more blured.

Tuesday, October 13

Favorite things

sleeping sarah. second post.

this is another picture of sarah representing one of my favorite things: sleeping. i am reposting another photo from this category because my previously uploaded photographs were not allowing the original size to be shown, so i am uploading a different photo that is straight from the camera, rather then an edited one.

Monday, October 12


This is my dog Pugsley, hes a pug. He loves to be photographed. I chose this picture because it represents him because he is very moody.


I took this when I was in Maine. No flash. ISO-100. I really like the clouds and the reflecting light in the water.

Sunday, October 11

My Buddy, DouDou

This photo was taken while my niece was playing with her favorite toy, DouDou. I like this photo because I think her facial expression was very natural. Anyway, I think I should better clear up the background first.


My cats. they are very cute
This rock formation was outside of kathleens house. I thought it was very interesting and odd so i took a picture of it.

Rusty nails

These rusty parts were in a pile next to my friends house. i rearranged them alittle bit to get this image

favorite things.

both of these photos each represents one of my favorite things: sleeping and tea. artificial light was used for the tea photo and natural light was used for the sleeping photo.

Red Flower

I took this photo when I went apple picking. It was sometime around midday and there were hardly any cloud in the sky. What I like about this photo is that the shadow of the flower is clearly seen, as are each individual petal. I also like how parts of the petals are shaded and how some petals are folded over, giving the red flower a white touch. I think maybe I could have taken this from a different angle, or tried not to get the shadow, because while I like it, it is a bit distracting.

Lake Cochituate Pump House

I was wandering around Lake cochituate working on my adjective photos, but i thought the pump house could make for a cool photo too. I like this photo because if you look closely in the lower right hand corner, it kind of looks like there is a person down there. I was balancing on a window ledge so the photo is a little blurry, but i still think i captured the lighting pretty well.

A-Z Adjective

Ilove this photo because of the focus. It took me a couple shots before I caught the puffy seeds in the frame, and I loved how it only focused on one or two, then left the others soft and blurry.

Out the car window

I took this picture from the car while my family was driving home from a trip last weekend. I wish it wasn't such a dark picture, but we were on the highway so I didn't want to open the tinted window.