Monday, October 12


I took this when I was in Maine. No flash. ISO-100. I really like the clouds and the reflecting light in the water.


Emelia said...

I like this picture because the clouds seem to disappear into the horizon. I also like how the sky is the focus of the picture and the ground is a dark.

MeghanFarrell said...

This is a really nice picture. It has really nice highlights and composition. I like the reflection of light in the water.

Maureen R said...

I really like the lighting in this picture. It really sets the mood before you even focus in on the person in the backround. Maybe if the clouds were a little bit sharper and more defined, it could be an even more powerful image.

Maureen R said...
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Maureen R said...
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sean said...

everything is cool,, clouds sea , and rocks. i like it