Saturday, December 1

Duchaney_Christmas Shoes


I photographed my formal shoes and their matching purses with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on indoor setting using only available light from the lamps in my family room and the white Christmas lights on the tree. I put them under the Christmas tree because the red tree skirt provided a good color for a background. I liked how the more neutral colors contrasted with the more vibrant red. I also included some of the branches to incorporate a Christmas theme, as I figured someone trying to sell the shoes and purses at this time of year would. I like how the metalic silver and gold matches the Christmas theme. The edited version crops out most of the wall at the top left corner and makes the colors warmer, as I intended the light to appear.

Garner_Exploding Glitter

I took this photograph for the ABC By The Letters Project. It is glitter dumped out on a sheet of canvas with my fingers run through it. I rested my camera on the glitter and focused on the middle ground of the picture. I used my canon rebel on the close up setting. I used a desk lamp angled in the direction of the glitter to cast light on it. This photograph is one of my favorites I have taken this year because of the used of depth.

Friday, November 30


I used this photograph for my marian by the letter project. For thanksgiving my mom decorated the house with a few of these. I really like this picture because the vase and flower is well focused and the sun allows the little hairs on the flower to show up. I also like that you can see part of the flower in the water but the top half outside.  If I would've noticed earlier I would have cleaned the vase because some the hand print are a bit distracting.

Wednesday, November 28


This is the picture that I took at Riverside station. To take the picture without flash, I have to hold the camera at least more than 3 secs to gather the light since it was night which lacks light. Because I could not hold the heavy camera for more than 3 secs without any move, I placed the camera on the stairways and pushed the shutter button (aperture: F22). I like the picture because without any flashing light, the picture has quite clear brightness, and I like the light trace of cars. Luckily, there is no blurring; but I don't like the shape of branches of streetlights, which were supposed to be one exact line for each branch of light. Furthermore, there are the ghost effect (the red and white dots) which distract attention.

Sunday, November 25

Dilbarian_ White Rose

I really like this picture because of how focused it is and because of the depth of feild.  if i could take this picture again, i would eliminate the negative space.