Wednesday, November 28


This is the picture that I took at Riverside station. To take the picture without flash, I have to hold the camera at least more than 3 secs to gather the light since it was night which lacks light. Because I could not hold the heavy camera for more than 3 secs without any move, I placed the camera on the stairways and pushed the shutter button (aperture: F22). I like the picture because without any flashing light, the picture has quite clear brightness, and I like the light trace of cars. Luckily, there is no blurring; but I don't like the shape of branches of streetlights, which were supposed to be one exact line for each branch of light. Furthermore, there are the ghost effect (the red and white dots) which distract attention.


Unknown said...

In my opinion, the most interesting part of the photo are the tops of the street lights and the reflection of the car lights. I think the photo would be even better if you cropped some of the buildings from the right side.

alisonkcondon said...

I agree with Lydia, I think the best feature of this photo is how the lights shine off of the street lights. To make this photo better, I would of ^ cropped some of the buildings as Lydia said & maybe part of the railing.