Tuesday, April 7

when the city sleeps and I'm the only one I walk alone

These pictures were taken at approximately 8:48 PM. I love the starbursts on the green traffic light and other lamps. I also like the depth of field. These were interesting night time shots.
The picture on top: 
ISO 200
Second picture:
ISO 250

Monday, April 6

Cows & Trees

These pictures were taken when I visited my grandfather in NY. I like the colder feeling with the snow and the gray skies. The Shutter for the cows was 1/250 ans 1/1250. Im not sure what the aperature was but i could find out if you wich to find out.


I took these pictures during 3 term (i havent been able to upload anything online for a while now, my apoligies) I like the lighting and warm colors of these pictures so i decised to share them you the class as well.<3 the aperature was about 3.5 and the shutter was about 1/20. I believe the ISO was set on 200 as well.

Sunday, April 5

Holding the sun

This sunday is really nice out today. I waked and went to the lake. Everything changes. I took the sun by many different ways and I asked to Eliza to jump.


I went to New York City this weekend to visit New York University and I took these pictures. The first two were taken the same day at about 4:30 from Madison Square Park. They were taken at 1/200 shutter speed and 80 ISO. The third was taken around 6:30 at 1/6 shutter speed and 80 ISO.