Saturday, December 22


i took this photo without any flash and only used the available light that was coming from outside through the windows


i took this without any flash and just using the available light that was coming in through the windows

Tuesday, December 18

Dilbarian_ icy roads

I took this picture in my driveway about mid- afternoon while the ice was starting to melt.  The picture was taken in direct sunlight with out flash.  I like the way your eyes follow down the driveway while looking at the picture.  I also like how the first thing you see is the large piece of broken and melted ice with the reflection from the sun.  I think that the short depth of field really draws your eye in and then pushes it across to the back of the photo.  If i were to change anything about the photo, I would have moved the pole in the background or even moved farther down the driveway. 

Sunday, December 16

Duchaney_Berry Wreath

I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on indoor setting using only the available light from the lights in my family room and kitchen. I really like the angle at which the wreath is taken. I also like the shape of the shadows on the wall. I wish the colors had been more vibrant with brighter reds and golds.

Reichart_ Volleyball team


I took this picture after one of the varsity games in the fall.  There were overhead lights from the gym but no flash was used.  It was also at night so there was no light coming in from the windows.  I like how the blue on the jerseys are darker then the mats on the wall so you can see the players.


I took this picture on Sunday night when I was wrapping presents for people. I took it with flash and overhead lighting was on.  I like how there are a lot of greens and reds that bring the picture together and how the bags in the front are more bright than the ones in the back, without it being too distracting. I like how the background is dark too so the presents and designs stand out more.


i took this photo with out flash and with the lights from the lightbulbs in my basement


I took this photo Sunday after noon in my kitchen with the fruit on the counter. The wall paper in my kitchen was distracting so I leaned a yellow place mat against the wall. I used no flash and the blinds were closed. I only used the artificial light coming from the lighting fixture on the ceiling of my kitchen. I took this photo several times and got a glare from the coming from the place mat every time  The glare was the least noticeable in this picture, but it still bothers me a little.


I took this photo of the Lincoln Sudbury High School stage during a tech rehearsal. I cropped some of the stairs on the right side, the auditorium seats and part of the ceiling. I like this better in black and white because the colors aren't distracting and the viewer can focus on the lights and darks in the photo. I didn't have my camera with me so I used my phone.


I took this photo in my backyard with direct sunlight. I like the shadows made by the leaves on the other leaves, and I like the higlights too. The different shades of green in this photo give it more demension. I cropped the first photograph to get rid of part of the fence so that the background would be less distracting. I also like how you can see the veins on the leaves.


I took this picture on Friday night of the Christmas tree in my house. I like the picture a lot because it is in great focus, the colored lights are so bright, you can see the details on the tree, and the shadows of the lights.


I took this photo yesterday in the afternoon when my kitten, Lola, was just relaxing on the chair. I like this photo because of the position the cat was in. Also I like how it is clear and detailed and not blurry because usually my kittens move a lot and it makes the photo blurry. The thing I do not like about the photo is it is over exposed in the top left corner because of the bright sun shining through the window.


I took these photos a few weeks ago on the side of the school. I liked how the light brought out the features in the statues. I like the angle of the top photo better because you can see more of the statue, but I thought that the trees and the powerlines were very distracting. So I took the bottom photo at a lower angle to get rid of them, but I still like the top photo more because more of the statue is visible.

Dilbarian_ leaf

         I really like this picture because it is simple.   I like how the depth of field is really short and how the leaf is the main focus.  I took this picture outside the school a couple weeks ago.  i like how is has a lot of light but it isn't in direct sunlight.  If i were to redo this shot, i would try to focus in more on the leaf and i would try to get the other leaves out of the background.  i would have also maybe used a brighter colored leaf. 


these are my ginea pigs.  i took these pics in my room. the light was ok but i wish it had been earlyer so there could have been more of it.  i took them with no flash.  thay are a tad blury because i couldent get them to hold still.

Bache_Christmas Tree

I took this photo on my back deck, out of the shaded areas, yet it was still cloudy. I had my camera set to the vibrant color setting to help the greaan stand out. When I used other settings the colores seemed too soft and washed out.

Lanefski_Reflected Ballet Slippers

I took this photograph this morning while I was having a photo shoot with my friend. I took this with a Kodak Easy Share C190, with auto focus and ISO 100. I really like this picture because of the light colors, the detail and the reflection. I do not like the patch of blue in the top corner, I feel like it distracts from the picture. I also do not like how the ballet slippers are not completely focused in the mirror.

Garner_Christmas Lights

I took this picture last weekend. I went outside to look at the Christmas lights outside my house, this picture came about when I rested my camera on the stone wall. I set the ISO to 800 and set a timer. It focused on the wired and blurred out the lights to give them depth. The one thing I would change is move the wire in the front so that it would be a clear view from the front to the back.