Sunday, December 16


I took this photo yesterday in the afternoon when my kitten, Lola, was just relaxing on the chair. I like this photo because of the position the cat was in. Also I like how it is clear and detailed and not blurry because usually my kittens move a lot and it makes the photo blurry. The thing I do not like about the photo is it is over exposed in the top left corner because of the bright sun shining through the window.


Unknown said...

I love this photo! First off, the position Lola is in is really funny and I like how everything in the photo (the wall, the kitten, the chair)is almost the same warm orange color. I just wish her face was more in focus.

Unknown said...

I love the way Lola is looking strait into the camera. It is at first somewhat imtimidating but then it seems harmless and more curious. I also like the colors of this picture, i think the really bring out the color of her furr. lastly, i agree with you about the corner being a little exposed but overall i like the picture.