Sunday, December 16


these are my ginea pigs.  i took these pics in my room. the light was ok but i wish it had been earlyer so there could have been more of it.  i took them with no flash.  thay are a tad blury because i couldent get them to hold still.


Unknown said...

I agree that I wish the ginea pigs were more in focus in the first photo. I also think the cord and furniture leg is a little distracting. I like how they're positioned, though, and I like the fuzzy pink background. I think the second photo with them both looking way was a cute, unorthodox point of view. I like how it shows off the patterns in their fur.

Unknown said...

I like the whole idea of fur in both photos, like how you put the furry guinea pigs on the fury pink background. I agree with Jeanine that the furniture leg at the top corner of the picture is distracting from the photo, and if i were you, i would of cropped it out. I like the neutral color of the wall on the second photo at the top, because it brings attention back to the main focus point.