Tuesday, December 18

Dilbarian_ icy roads

I took this picture in my driveway about mid- afternoon while the ice was starting to melt.  The picture was taken in direct sunlight with out flash.  I like the way your eyes follow down the driveway while looking at the picture.  I also like how the first thing you see is the large piece of broken and melted ice with the reflection from the sun.  I think that the short depth of field really draws your eye in and then pushes it across to the back of the photo.  If i were to change anything about the photo, I would have moved the pole in the background or even moved farther down the driveway. 


Amanda Garner said...

This photograph is interesting. The focus is on the hunk of ice directly centered and then forces your eyes to follow it back. It shows depth is a great way. This layers of ice and indents in the ice add texture to the photo as well as focal points. Good job.

Unknown said...

I really like this picture because the angle is really cool. When you look at the ground and see a piece of ice you don't usually get down and stare at it and look for all the details. Because its so close up i thought that this was a picture of a river or something much bigger.

Unknown said...

I like this picture because it shows the ice at a level that you normally wouldn't look at it, making the photo much more interesting. I like how you can see every detail of the ice and how there is nothing distracting in the background; your eyes focus on the ice.