Sunday, December 16

Dilbarian_ leaf

         I really like this picture because it is simple.   I like how the depth of field is really short and how the leaf is the main focus.  I took this picture outside the school a couple weeks ago.  i like how is has a lot of light but it isn't in direct sunlight.  If i were to redo this shot, i would try to focus in more on the leaf and i would try to get the other leaves out of the background.  i would have also maybe used a brighter colored leaf. 


Unknown said...

i like this photo because the leaf really sticks out from the background ut it could have been better because it is out of focus and blury

Anonymous said...

I like this photo because it is just plain and simple. And because you focused your attention on only one piece of leaves and the background is also clean and simple. But in the background you can see other leaves which kind of takes you attention away from the single leave in the middle.