Friday, October 17

natural light

I chose this picture because there was a significant amount of available sunlight. Although the harsh shadow covers the top of his head, it adds depth to the picture. I like the highlights in his eyes and on his skin however the light reflecting off his white shirt makes it over exposed.  

Burst of Light

I decided to post this picture because i adore the colors streaming from the sun. This was taken through a bush, as you can see, some of the leaves are highlighted by the sun's rays and you can see the blue sky through the "cracks". I'm not sure what all the settings were but I believe the ISO was set to 200.

Racing Against Time

I chose to blog this photo because I absolutely love the warm colors and silhouette. If you look closely, you'll notice a speed boat on the water creating a V-line towards the sun as well as the reflections of trees and buildings along the water's edge. This photo was taken with the shutter speed at 1/1000 and the aperture set to 16.

Thursday, October 16

 This photograph was taken on the nighttime setting of my camera, and the enviroment has extremely low garage lighting. I like all the commotion in the photograph, but I would definately change the angle I used in this, something about it bothers me, what do you think?

Monday, October 13

Last one of New York

This picture was taken in New York City when I was there a few weekends ago. New York City that night was amazing becasue the streets were wet. I was able to capture the bright lights of Radio City Music hall in this picture. It was taken at 1/6 exposure. I love the two people standing on the side becasue I love the contrast of the bright colors and their dark silhouettes.

My room

This is my room. My host mom give me two roses , so I put on the table. The light is very soft.

the National Ceme-tery

Saturday I went to the Boston!! It was great! I saw the National Ceme-tery and took some pictures. I think the light is good. So I post it.