Saturday, April 12


I took this photo at nighttime in Boston. I made some adjustments to the original to get rid of the negative space on the top. I like the lights and the yellow umbrellas contract the dark. I wish that I focus  on both the lights and umbrellas.


This is a picture I took today at the girls lacrosse game of Colin. I really like how the focus of the photo is mainly on Colin and the entire background is blurred out. I enjoy doing portrait photography and I feel it is one of my strong suits.

Sunday, April 6


I took this photo in Boston today. I like it very much. Today was really nice out and we could see a little pink and green of the trees and grassland in the background. I also like the couple were looking at the sculpture while the sculpture itself was facing in an particular direction, it looks like the man was looking at something.


I took this photo at the resturant in China town.I like the way that she look at the window.So i aptured this moment.But there are some places that i think i doing good at it.I think i should focus on the mirror when i am taking this photo.And move the camera to the right side a little bit,because there is my friend arm in the left side of the photo.

Sara_ pucks

I took this photo in my Brothers room recently with a light source below the shelf and no flash.  I like this photo because of its depth of field.  I also like the difference in all of the hockey pucks and their signatures.  The shelf was high on the wall and above a lamp so there are harsh shadows cast.  If i could change anything about the photo, i would lessen the shadows and add more natural light sources


I took this photo of my cat on the sofa. I like this photo because it is mainly focused on the cat, and the background is mainly white. The only color in it is the pillow and that makes the photo look more unique.


The first is the original photo the second is the edited photo. I really thought that the heavy black and white setting would make this photo standout more. The most appealing aspect of the photo to me is the  black lines that go across the length of the bus.


 I took this photo for one of my projects third term, where we had to photograph the same spot over the course of time.  I photographed the beach and how the waves changed each time.  I like how it is an action shot of the waves, but is still in good focus.  I like how the blues fade off from the sand to the ocean and then to the sky, making the foreground, middleground and background more visible.  I took this with no flash and natural light. 


I took this picture a few weeks ago in Boston. I took this picture on the top floor of 53 State Street while my dad was visiting his stock broker. I was bored so i took this picture out of the office window with my phone. Thats the down side to this picture was that I used my phone and that i took it throught the glass of the window, but its still a pretty cool picture. You can see some reflection in the bottom left corner of the picture. I really like this picture in many ways too. I like that you can see Faneuil Hall and many building. I like that because its one of my favorite places in Boston to go. I also like it because you can see part of the Armenian Garden, which is a place my family goes sometimes to walk around. Overall i think i did a good job on this photo, I also cropped it to make it look like a square because i thought it looked more interesting.


I took this picture of my sister when she was reading her book.  I really like this photo because she didn't know I was taking pictures of her and doesn't look like she is posing.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked this photo because the church is at the center of it, which makes it very appealing. I also liked the lighting at that time of day and how the sky was a light blue/white color, which, I felt, really added to the photo overall. I also took this photo from a lower angle, which made the photo much more interesting.


I decided to choose this photo for this week's miscellaneous post because I thought this photo I took a few months ago was really interesting. I like the variety of color in this photo, I like the the different shades of red, green, yellow and brown in this photo. I also like the lighting in this photo because it makes the photo show its vibrant colors. I also like the plant focused completely is perfectly centered because it makes the photo have good symmetry to it. I also like how the rest of the other plants are out of focus because it makes your eyes focus on the middle plant only. I also like the point of view to this photo because it shows the gentle qualities of nature to it. I think without the color this photo would look completely different. I like how the focused plant has a good cast of sunlight reflecting on it because it makes this photo shine well. I also like the color patterns in this photo because it makes this photo create artistic designs to the viewer. I also like the vivid effect of different plants because it makes this photo stand out better to the viewer. I think the macro focus to this photo makes the photo much more than it really is makes this photo lively. I like the shimmer of the texture to the centered plant stem, because it makes the photo look smooth and not rough to this photo. I also like the framing to this photo because if I didn't center the photo properly it wouldn't look as fantastic as it is already. I like the contrast between the focused plant has a light red and the other plants which are out of focus have a darker red leaves because it makes this photo look nicer. I think with the mix of reds and greens and yellows this photo follows good wavy pattern to the viewer. I wish I could change the framing of this photo a little bit because you can see some mulch to the left frame of this photo and way in the back you can see a window and a metal railing running across the back of the plants. It takes away some of the nature qualities to this photo. If I cropped it out a little I'm sure the photo would look just as interesting as this photo already is. I took this in the morning a few months ago, without flash, using macro setting enabled, auto white balance settings enabled, auto focus adjustments, auto iso settings, natural lighting, and with little exposure as possible.


I took this photo today in my dining room. I took it of an antique straw seated chair. I like it how the light is reflecting into three different areas of the photo. I like it how the light is reflecting on part of the straw chair, under the chair, and on the wall. I like the light cast it projected from the window in the left corner of the photo. I think the way I took this photo makes it look almost like an impressionist art styled painting from the late 1800s. I like this so much that I made a copy of the original version of the photo and edited it using iPhoto and changed it to black & white and used the fade effect to darken the photo. With the edited version in black & white it gives the photo more of perspective for stronger details in the photo making it look more antique and an oldie feeling to the viewer. I think that if I didn't take this photo at that time the photo would not be as interesting as a photo as it was for this one. I don't think I would have changed anything in this photo because it really is a great photo both the original and the edited versions bring the viewer to have an interesting feel for the emotion of the photo. I think the feel of the photo in the edited one gives it a more professional feel for the viewer than the one in color which is why I chose to have an edited version as well to give it a more unique look to the photo.