Saturday, January 19


I took this picture for the portrait project. This was taken in the main entrance at school, using available light. My camera was set on the portrait setting which allowed me to keep Lea's whole face in focus. I love the way her entire face is well lit and you are able to see all of the details in her face. I also like the way I framed Lea, I was able to cut out the distracting pieces of the door way out and just focus on her.

Wednesday, January 16


I like how in this photo the bright light in the background gives a clear outline of the person in the photo. I also like how almost all the lines in the photo are parallel to each other

Tuesday, January 15


I took this picture with a Nikon C3200 in Portrait setting with a flash and a light on the side. I like the solid blue background and the way it stands out. I like the shadow on the side of him from the light on the side. I don't like how the top of the hat is cut off.

Sunday, January 13


I took this picture while I was sitting on a passenger seat. Luckily, the day was brilliant to take this picture; superb amount of lights, and clear. It feels amazing when I take picture of moving objects. The shutter speed was 1/8000; in addition, since I also was moving in the same direction and about same speed, it was easier to take a picture of this object rather then just stand in one spot and take picture of moving object. The fault of this picture is, since it was taken so fast, I cannot find any blurring trace that makes the picture more dynamic.

Dilbarian_ Sadie

I took this picture of my dog about 2 weeks ago when there was still a lot of snow on the ground.  I took it about mid day.  I like this photo because of the way she is jumping up towards the camera.  I also like how clear her face is.  I like the depth of field; it focus in towards her face and travels down the picture.  lastly, I like the way her ears are pushed back as she is jumping up.


This is a picture I took during class last week. I was in the art room, looking for still life to take photos of. I saw the multi-colored pencils and thought it would be a good shot. I layed them out on the table and thought it was an interesting angle. The only thing I dislike is that the red and orange pencils are out of focus and the scratches on the table are a bit distracting. But overall, I think this is an okay photo.

Flavia_Megan's Bracelets

I took this photo during my study of Megan's bracelets. I used super macrophotography and the light is from the sun coming through the windows. I really like this photo because of how detailed the crystal and the "M" charm are. Something that I would like that I could change would be to make the juicy couture writing part less blurry.


I took this picture last week while I was working on my 2nd term project. This was for my action category. I used the action setting in my camera. I used nature light through the front window. I like the way the white in Morgan's jacket draws your eyes in. 


I took this picture outside of Marian when we were given to shoot during photography class. I used this for my term project as a landscape photo. I don't like that in between the tree truck and green leaves you can see a fire alarm, but I really couldn't move the fire alarm.


I really like this photo, because of the lighting and the repetative aspect of the three floutists in a row.
I like the first one better because most of the distractions are cropped out. One thing I wish I could have done was have Jenny(middle) and Liz(right) closer together. However, because a class was going on I took photos of what was available at the time. If ever I wish to do something like this again I will go on my own time and make sure they are spaced evenly, and angled accordingly.


I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on indoor setting using the light from the lamps in my room. These are some leftover prints from my portfolio that I didn't use. I like how the photo of the train in the middle is clearer and brighter than the rest. I also like how there is no sense of where the photo is taken. I'm happy that there are no prominent light shines because the photo paper was glossy. I wish all of the photos were as bright as they are in person.


I took this photo in my backyard without flash and using the macro setting. I really like this photo especially because of the depth of field. The green wreath is very crisp and the red bow is out of focus, which really makes for a nice photo. I also liked how the red in the photo really catches one's eye and adds color to the photo.


I took this photo Sunday afternoon. It was taken with overhead light. I liked how all of the food and napkins matched and were all different shades of browns.  One thing I would change about this photo is the black line in the top right corner, where the two tables meet. I wish I could crop it out but it would of cropped out the other muffin.


This was one of my photographs for my second term project. It's of Dana; and i took it while I was behind her, and she was in front of a mirror. This was the dressing room of Juicy Couture. I like how she isn't smiling, like in typical pictures, and i really like the details in her hair and dress. The photograph was taken with direct light from overhead lightbulbs.