Tuesday, January 15


I took this picture with a Nikon C3200 in Portrait setting with a flash and a light on the side. I like the solid blue background and the way it stands out. I like the shadow on the side of him from the light on the side. I don't like how the top of the hat is cut off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The fact that you used flash doesn't bother me in this photo. Ususally the background is awkwardly dark when the flash is used, but because the wall is the only thing behind him and it's so close to him, this doesn't happen. Also, the blue in the background is such a bold primary color that the shadow adds to the whole overall bold look of distinct outlines and borders throughout the entire photo. There also isn't anything reflective for the flash to shine off of except his eyes, which actually contributes to the bold look as well. I don't mind that the hat is cut off because his face is perfectly clear. Also, everything is in nice focus.