Tuesday, May 21


This was my favorite photo I took of the Coliseum because it is not a traditional photo of the whole structure. I like that the foreground is in focus and the details in the stone are clear. I like that the background is blurry and it appears to be very far away.

Monday, May 20


I took this picture during the winter when I was in Philly. I really like how the colors compliment eachother in this photo

Sunday, May 19

Cha_Brookyln Bridge

This is another photo that I took while I was having New Your City tour. This is the picture of Brookyln Bridge. Some might say this picture is little bit dark and need more exposure. However, what I think is because the picture is little bit darker, it gives gloomy look of the bridge and special mood. Furthermore, some might say the car on the bottom picture is distracting but I think the car makes another view of the picture because it gives the look that "I am going to cross the bridge soon."


I took this picture at the color project at the very beginning of the year. I came across this photo when I was looking for portfolio pictures over the weekend. I like the crisp focus of the picture and I like that the surface is not completely white (it is more of a cream), because the off white compliments the colors of the makeup. I wish the lightening wasn't so severe though.

Cha_Statue of Liberty

This is the photo that I took while I was having little trip in New York City with my parents. I like this photo because each color in this photo appears very clear that it gives crispy look. Furthermore, I believe the focus on this picture is very accurate and exposure is appropriate. In addition, I like the American flag behind the Statue of Liberty.


This is a portrait I took of my friend Megan a few weeks ago for one of our assignments. I really love the photo because it was really nice lighting and I overall just love how she looks. She is smiling but facing away from the camera, which makes the photo more interesting. Also, what she is wearing matches well with the background. I think I used natural lighting for the photo too. I really love this portrait. (Click to see entire photo.)


I like how this photo has many different levels and how the shadows of the trees are very defined. I also like how the sun highlights some of the green plants. Overall, I think this photo has a peaceful feel. (Click to see entire photo.)

Dilbarian_ Portrait

I took this picture of my friend on a sunny afternoon.  I like this picture because you wouldn't normally take a portrait of a person lying down but i like how it is different.  I like how natural and relaxed she looks.  I also like how the green grass contrasts with her skin and clothes.  Lastly I like how the portrait isnt focused on her face but her whole body in nature.

Dilbarian_ American Flags

I took this picture in the early morning in the shade without flash.  I took this picture when I was helping my replace the old american flags with new ones on the graves at a cemetery.  I like this photo because of the bright colors in the flags and the neutral colors in the gravel in the background.  I also like the different texture in the photo from the ground, the flag blowing in the wind and the rolled up flags.


I took this photograph of my locker chandelier in my kitchen with the background being the hanging lights on the ceiling. The first photo is the original one, and the second one was cropped to take my finger out and made into a black and white photograph. I like the colors better i the second photo because of the sharp contrasts of the blacks, whites, and grays. I also really like how at the top of it, there's a grayish glow.


I took this photo of a frog that I found on my back porch. There was not much sun this day, so the colors look very dull which is something I wish I could change about this photo. I also wish the frog was sitting on something other than gray because it makes his body somewhat blend into the tarp he's sitting on and takes away from the texture on his skin also.


I took this photo in Franklin park zoo in Boston. I didnt use flash. I am using this picture as one of my nature picture. I love how she is look the other way and not straight at the camera. I also love the flowers around her, it adds the nature to the picture.

Duchaney_Tatiana Softball Portrait

I took this with my Canon Powershot SX110IS at the softball senior night game. I think the composition of this photo is very clean with the distinct lines dividing the dirt from the grass and her body is symmetrical except the asymmetrical positioning of her arms, which instead adds interest. I like how the contrast between the clear weeds in front of her and the more indistinct weeds behind her add depth. I also like how, even though the photo was taken in diret sunlight, there are no harsh shadows on her face. One thing that I would change would be to move her down a little bit so her head is not sitting right on the line between the grass and the dirt.


I took this photo in my backyard without flash and using the macro setting. I really liked how the red mulch really allowed the yellows In the flowers to pop. I also love how clear the water droplets are on the flower. The light yellow color of the flower is also, in my opinion, very nice too.