Sunday, May 19


I took this photo of a frog that I found on my back porch. There was not much sun this day, so the colors look very dull which is something I wish I could change about this photo. I also wish the frog was sitting on something other than gray because it makes his body somewhat blend into the tarp he's sitting on and takes away from the texture on his skin also.


carolinemcgrath said...

I like this photo a lot. You were able to blurry the background, yet keep the frog in crisp focus. The frog's colors are similar to the ground, but contrast greatly to the trees in background, I actually like this. It makes the photo more interesting because it shows the frogs ability to camouflage.

Unknown said...

I really like how the frog is in crisp clean focus and you really catch all of the bumps and texture on it

Unknown said...

I like how you got such a close up shot of the frog. I also like how you can see the details in the frog. I wish that the focus was a little more clear. I also think the background is a little distracting

alisonkcondon said...

I like this picture because the frog is really the main focus and it's what the eye first goes to. The frog is in great focus, but I agree that the picture would be more interesting with better colors.