Sunday, January 18

Curving Winter Road

I chose this photo because I love the barren road. The sun is just starting to peek out of the clouds giving the trees and wires a sillhouette and some shadows on the road. The settings were: Shutter 1/500, Aperature F11, ISO 200 and White Balance was set to cloudy.

Love Pink

I chose this picture because I like radiant golden glow reflected off the satin purse. This was taken indoors in a mall. No flash was used. The incandescent lights were directly above. 
1/15 F-stop 3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200

ice sculpture

This picture was taken on New Years Eve. Every year ice sculptures are put out in the center of town for display at First Night. I really liked how the light shines through the details of this sculpture. I find the snow that is falling in the picture distracting, though.