Sunday, January 18

Curving Winter Road

I chose this photo because I love the barren road. The sun is just starting to peek out of the clouds giving the trees and wires a sillhouette and some shadows on the road. The settings were: Shutter 1/500, Aperature F11, ISO 200 and White Balance was set to cloudy.


siobhan mangan said...

meg deary,
i love the clouds in this picture, and the telephone wires intersecting them.
i also love the curve of the road, it draws your attention to the snow, and the snow matches the clouds, so it all matches. :)
however, perhaps it might look even more appealing if you showed more of the road, because i think the road looks wonderful.

Vanessa O said...

wow the clouds are so wispy and almost look like they were brushed on like a painting. Were you in the middle of the road for this picture? It is also very unique because of the composition with 2/3 of it being the sky.