Saturday, October 31


Xanthic means yellow. These are flowers outside the school.


I took this picture at a cross country meet for the adjective victorious. I think the angle is cool as well as the lighting, but i wish the focus on the "victorious" boy was more in focus because he is kind of blurry.

Thursday, October 29

BJ's Red

I took this picture after lunch at Panera. My mom and I stopped at the BJ's parking lot next-door because of the beautiful red trees we saw. I love the color because it really stands out against the bright blue sky.

Wednesday, October 28


I really loved this photo because of the curves in the mirror, as well as the off center focus. The colors came out to be really bright too.

Monday, October 26


This is a picture I took in the library of lucas. The only thing that i dont like about it is that the captain pin is upside down.


I took this picture for the adjective project. The only light used in it is from the actual light in this picture.
This is a picture of some bolts on a school bus's stop sign. I think they are really interesting because they are such a small part of the bus, yet they are deffinatly needed. You can somewhat see the school bus's front to the left of the bolts, and you can kind-of see that the bus is number 2.


This is an up-close photo of a dirty tire which i found in the back of my friends truck. There was a big pile of them and i found them interesting. I like close up pictures so i decided to photograph this tire.

Sunday, October 25

adjectives project.

here is another photograph of sam! i took this during photography class last week, so it was taken around mid-day. i used all natural light and i chose this location because i wanted an interesting shadow to be projected onto the wall. this photo is a crop of the original, but there was no editing done.

aUtumN comes..

I took this photo at school. I love it because of the natural light and the colors of the leaves.
I look this at the griss mill. it was late afternoon. i look this becasue i liked the color of the berries. they were the only color in the particular area besides green and brown. i really like the focus on the berries.


This photo is word "Bizarre" . The leaf has different color compare with most color gray.


This is my piano. I tried to get some focus on the cracks on the keys because it's really old and I think the cracks give it some personality. I used the macro lens with flash.

The School Hallway

I like this photo because it shows depth and the reflecting lights lead your eyes into the photo. The decorations on the walls are distractions, but in order to get the depth, I couldn't really cut them out, and I couldn't really just rip them all down. I also think this photo is a bit too bright. But aside from that, I like this photo.

Jingle Skirt


I took this one early one morning in the Natick Mall parking garage. No flash because i was trying to use the light from the sky outside.

Gris Mill

I took this picture this morning at around 10:30 at the Grist Mill in Sudbury. I liked how the red wheel pops off of the stone walls and also makes the other reds in the pictures show up more clearly.